Happy New Year, about 5 months late!!!
We apologize to you for our long absence and overdue update. I will give a quick overview of the past several months so we can get back on track.
In November of 2012, Meagan voted in the presidential election for the first time. She was so excited. We were sorry to learn the outcome of this election, but God is still in control and we rest in that knowledge. Later in the month we went to Tennessee to celebrate Thanksgiving with James, Elena and Gabby. The fellowship was wonderful, the food was great. A nice, relaxing visit!
We love the mountains! |
Gabby and Kaitlyn raking leaves |
James carving the turkey |
Delicious pecan and pumpkin pie! |
We stopped at many rivers to play... Meagan was not allowed to jump around rocks this time around! |
In early December, Diona had four emergency eye procedures within an 8 day period. The retina in her right eye was separating from her eye ball. After two laser surgeries, cryo treatment, and a gas bubble inserted in the eye, she had to sit upright for ten days straight. But all is well and the eye is fully healed. Unfortunately, the left eye has begun to do the same, so more surgery to come in the near future.
Diona wearing a plastic eye patch. We are so thankful for her eye doctor! |
Christmas was a blur. We did manage to do some caroling, baking and wrapping of presents. This year was our first year with having daycare during Christmas. Our daycare parents took us by total surprise, got together and bought us a photography package for our whole family! We cannot wait to use it!
Our tree had 13 strands of white lights... Meagan put them on and caused a fuse to blow! |
Todd and Collin hanging the lights outside |
Oreo truffles! |
homemade cookies in a jar! |
We always remember our mail carrier |
On New years Eve, Kaitlyn was seen by our family doctor and sent straight to the ER. We spent the day at Manatee Memorial Hospital waiting for results from tests and scans to be told that her appendix had ruptured and she needed emergency surgery. We were transported by ambulance to All Children's Hospital where within an hour of arrival she was prepped and taken into surgery. Kaitlyn's only question for the surgeon was, "Will I be awake in time to watch the ball drop on TV?" And she was! She was settled in a room 15 minutes before midnight!! What a way to ring in the New Year!
Kaitlyn in the ambulance |
Look at that appendix... 5 times the size it should be! |
3 of Kaitlyn's cute pink bandaids |
Kelsey the therapy dog came for a visit! |
Kaitlyn and Kelsey... the human! :) |
Kaitlyn was released on January 5th, five days after her surgery, and a week later we were in the emergency room at All Children's Hospital with Meagan who was having a Colitis flare-up. Meagan was transported by ambulance to Manatee Memorial where she spent 12 long days. After her release she spent the next five days laying on the couch, but was not getting better. Todd took her to the emergency room at Tampa General where she was admitted and spent the next 14 days under the care of some wonderful doctors. Meagan had dropped to 99lbs. It was a scary and serious time, and she came close to surgery at one point, but thank God the doctors were able to get the distention of her colon under control. Meagan learned much about patience, pain, colitis, medication, diet, and her own strength during her hospital stays. We are so thankful for all the friends and family who called, sent cards, encouraged, and prayed for us during this time. Please continue to pray for Meagan as she learns to live with and keep this disease under control as much as possible.

We had fun with the doctor's gloves! |
Meagan and her "other dad" Mr. Jim |
Sweet Ruthie, Bob and Sue came for a visit! |
And of course sweet Spirit! |
Meagan's biggest surprise... Ashlyn and her fiance Zach came all the way from Gainsville! |
John and Kathy Jones were great visitors! |
As well as Kameron and Karson who brought flowers and movies |
even Meagan's skinny jeans were too big! |
Drinking contrast at Tampa General... Meagan was so hungry she downed it no problem! |
Papa smurf! |
Visitors had to wear blue gowns, purple gloves and masks because Meagan was considered "contagious" |
Collin was a good brother and massaged Meagan's feet |
Coach Bruce and Rita came to visit! |
Our daycare babies made lots of signs and posters for "me me's" room |
Picc line! |
Meagan's first venture outside of hospital walls in 26 days! |
Almost time to go home! |
Annette, Meagan and our wonderful chiropractor, Dr. Heather |
Recovery at home was tough. Family and good friends make it all the better! |
Meagan hates her steroid cheeks! |
While Meagan was in between hospitals, we had the huge pleasure of watching one of our guide dogs, Ellie, who is matched with a Vietnam veteran. Ellie's person Paul and his wife Priscilla were going on a week long cruise! We really enjoyed having sweet Ellie!
Paul and Ellie |
Kaitlyn and Ellie share a bed... only for a few minutes! |
Ellie wanted to be right beside Meagan while Meagan was sick. |
The LeVines surprised us with a visit and some yummy soup and gifts! |
Thank you so much LeVine Family! |
February, March, and April brought our family back to some normalcy, slowly but surely. We have enjoyed visits from friends and getting back to our housechurch routine.
Our week days are spent caring for 6 children in our home. We enjoy watching them grow and learn new things each day. Our spring soccer season just ended, the summer is upon us, the pool is just about perfect and we've enjoyed relaxing in it already.
God is good and we are thankful for His love and mercy.
Thank you everyone for all your love and encouragement during this crazy beginning of the year! We are truly and richly blessed.
The Boyles