We noticed our hens becoming broody. Wanting to sit on their eggs after they laid. So we decided to keep a couple eggs in the coop and let our broody hens do their thing!
Our first little chick! This one is black |
Our second little chick! Meagan is holding this one which is a fuzzy yellow... it's so tiny! |
We took the two chicks to a local feed store and they found them homes. If the rooster behaves himself (staying friendly and not acting protective) then we're hoping to get some pure bred Jersey Giants next spring.
Meagan started a cleanse the end of June. The cleanse was 21 days long. Meagan did very well with it! After all the medications she took throughout her back ordeal, Meagan felt that she really needed to cleanse her system. She had some very hard days and felt pretty yucky during the first week, but she is very glad she did it and stuck to the program without one cheat.
Three Standard Process bottles containing Meagan's cleanse products. |
Meagan with her "yummy" shake :) |
Fourth of July was celebrated at the Pruitts house. We had yummy food (well Meagan had salad and a shake), and lots of fireworks!
Lots of yummy food! |
Peter Millet's famous ribs! |
At One o'clock is homemade sugar cookies (Meagan made them without one snitch!) six o'clock is vanilla ice cream and ten o c'clock is Michaela Millet's homemade apple pie! |
Chicken fireworks... when lit, they make a funny chirping noise! |
We were asked to watch a Guide Dog in Training from Southeastern Guide Dogs. Golden Retriever Glenn, had to have surgery to remove a cyst on his paw. He was a perfect house guest... although he was on tranquilizers the whole time :)
Glenn laying down chewing a nylabone. Glenn has his right paw all wrapped up in a bandaid |
We continued to work on the pool... unfortunately making little progress because of so much rain and flooding.
The ground where the pool will be... we had to level 16 stepping stones so the pool uprights had something hard to rest on. That took a very long time. |
Ok... now for part two...
Nice update! :)