This month...
Meagan, Collin and Kaitlyn have enjoyed going to the stable to help Roxane with the horses. They even went on a trotting trail ride one day. Soon they will load up the horses in a trailer and go to Alafia Park to ride the trail and have a picnic lunch. They are very excited!
With childcare licensing, we have a surprise inspection every 4 months. After a year of perfect records, we will change to every 6 months. April was inspection month. It's funny. We have nothing to hide from the inspector, and we keep our house clean anyways, but or some reason we seem to make an extra effort making sure the house is SPOTLESS during this month.
There are several other home daycares in our area and we would get a call from them saying "Inspector's out!" every time we thought she would come, she didn't.
We finally saw the inspector's car pull in our driveway on the 19th. The inspection lasted all of 30 minutes and we passed. Whew.
Meagan's friend Ashlyn talked Meagan into signing up for the Irongirl 5K in Clearwater on April 22nd. Since the beginning of the year, she has been running to build up her stamina.
Meagan spent the night prior to the race with the Wilson's, who were also running the 5K in order to be in Clearwater by 6:15 the next morning.
The starting line. It's still pitch black outside. |
Meagan used a tree to stretch her legs. |
Meagan and the group of some of the girls she ran with (or rather followed :) |
Ashlyn and Meagan with their finishers medals |
Meagan had a good time and is looking forward to a fun family run in December called "The Color Run". The requirement? Wear all white. At each 1K, you get sprayed with a different color paint!
Todd has been working hard on building a new chicken coop. The one we had was great, but we had to let out and lock up the chickens every morning and evening. Now with the new coop, They can come and go as they please without the worry of any cats getting them at night.
Our A-frame coop |
Our Rhode Island Red hen sitting on her nest. |
The Millet family will be getting our old chicken coop and 4 young chickens who have just started laying eggs! We think the Millets will really enjoy the chickens.
We were excited to get an email from someone who was selling their blueberry farm. The man had 1500, 6 ft tall blueberry bushes in pots for $13 each! We put in a call to him saying we were going to pick up a few... 6 actually. Todd and Collin followed the Mendez family in Todd's truck. The Mendez' rented a Lowe's truck so they could bring a truck load of bushes home!
Our 6 blueberry bushes... they stand about 6 feet tall |
In the beginning of Meagan's back issue (4 years ago), she couldn't sleep more then 2 hours at a time without waking up because of a back spasm. She took about 8-12 tylenol a day and was pretty cranky because of her lack of sleep.
Now, she can finally sleep at least 6 hours a night without waking and takes about 1/2-3 tylenol a day for pain, max! She goes to PRP every three months and has deep tissue massages and chiropractic adjustments once a month.
Meagan holding the syringe full of her own plasma. |
Something else that has been an issue, we found out a year ago, Meagan has colitis. We think it's probably from all the pain killers she took because of her back problem. So instead of taking several medications to cut down on the colitis symptoms, she has begun taking Colloidal Silver. No more problems!
Next up, May!