

Today in Language Arts the children wrote limericks and I thought I'd share them...

Collin's poetry:
The Lady from Trent
There was a small lady from Trent
Who got herself a new tent.
The tent fell down,
And she lay on the ground
Her body all crooked and bent.

The Cat
A fat cat laid on the couch,
His gangly legs sprawled out.
Not a care in the world,
Til the dog was unfurled
And came at the cat with his snout. 

Kaitlyn's poetry:
The Lady from Trent
There was a small lady from Trent.
Who lived in a bright yellow tent.
She put on a hat,
And picked up a bat
And scared the man who she paid rent.

The Hair
There once was a man with long hair
Who gave it very much care.
His wife cut it off,
And threw it in a trough
And the pigs ate it up with a flair.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you have some poets on your hand.
    Tell them for me they are very creative!


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